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The heart of creating a Lambda Zoola™ Dashboard is the ability to include and cross-reference Charts, Crosstabs, and Tables as Dashlets. In the image below, the Course activity Dashboard contains:

  1. User Activity Course Chart View
  2. User Activity Course Table View


The Dashboard Designer interface allows you to include Charts, Tables, and Crosstabs as Dashlets in two unique ways:

  1. Existing Charts, Crosstabs, and Tables: The Lambda Zoola™ Dashboard Designer allows you to select existing Charts, Crosstabs, and Tables to include in your Dashboard (if you have the necessary permissions to view and use them).
  2. New Charts, Crosstabs, and Tables: The Dashboard Designer includes an on-board Ad Hoc Editor, which allows you to create Charts, Crosstabs, and Tables for your Dashboard without leaving the designer environment (any Chart, Crosstab, or Table you create within the Dashboard Designer is only available on the current Dashboard; otherwise, they function like standard Ad Hoc Editor-created versions of these elements. They are saved as an Ad Hoc view, and placed in a Dashlet on your dashboard). 


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