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The Active Users Course Activity Domain is a curated selection of derived Totara LMS data that enables you to create Reports on activity information of users in your courses. Relevant items in this Domain include the Number of Visits, Time Spent, and Number of Courses Enrolled of your LMS users.

The Active Users Course Activity Domain is located in the Public folder in the Zoola™ Repository. To locate the Domain in either the Repository or the Data Chooser (when selecting a Domain to create an Ad Hoc View), navigate to Public > Totara > Domains.

This Domain contains LMS data organized to report on the activity information of users in your courses. “Activity” information consists of fields and measures that track the total session metrics of learners in courses, such as their total enrollment numbers, number of visits to course content, total time spent, and date of last access. Using Using fields and  and measures from  from the set included  included in this Domain, you can easily build out Reports and Views to track learner activity through session information..

The links along the right-hand side of this article will open the Active Users Course Activity Table View. If you are logged in to Zoola™, these views will open in the Ad Hoc Editor. The left-hand View panel will display the contents of the Active Users Course Activity Domain, organized into sets of items (as both fields and measures).

All included sets are comprised of selections from the tables listed in the Moodle/ Totara table, located at the end of the right-hand column.

Specifically, the Active Users Course Activity Domain is comprised of the following sets:

  • Active Users Course Activity Set: Items in the Active Users Course Activity Set provide activity and session tracking information on your LMS learners.

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Related Ad Hoc Views 

The following links will directly open the Ad Hoc Views in Zoola™: 



Included LMS Tables

The Active Users Course Activity Domain is built from a Derived Table, which draws the following fields from the Totara database:

  • course_enrolled,
  • lastaccess,
  • name
  • number_visited,
  • time_spent