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Ad Hoc views support the following operators in calculated fields. Operators are evaluated in the order they are shown in the table:




multiply, divide

i * j / k

Arithmetic operators for numeric types only.


i % j

Calculates i as a percent of j; numeric types only.

add, subtract

i + j - k

Arithmetic operators for numeric types only.


i == j

Comparison operators for string, numeric, and date types.

not equal

i != j


less than

i < j

Comparison operators for numeric and date types only.

less than or equal

i <= j


greater than

i > j


greater than or equal

i >= j


IN set

i IN ('apples','oranges')

Sets can be of any type.

IN range

i IN (j:k)

Ranges must be numeric or date types.


NOT( i )

Boolean operators. Parentheses are required for NOT.


i AND j AND k



i OR j OR k




Used for grouping.


When dates are used in comparisons or the IF function, they must be the same type: "date only," "date/time," or "time only." Make sure to use the correct modifier ("d," "ts," "t") when using date constants in comparisons. The following are reserved words and cannot be used as field names: AND, And, and, IN, In, in, NOT, Not, not, OR, Or, or. Names containing these strings, such as "Not Available", can be used.
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