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To create a schedule, complete the following steps:

  1. In the  Repository,  locate the report you want to schedule. 

  2. Right-click the report and select  Schedule from the context menu—or if the report already has a schedule, click the  Schedule icon   . The Scheduled Jobs page appears. 

  3. Click  Create Schedule. The  Schedule tab of the scheduler appears. 

  4. Set a start date, choosing whether to run immediately or on a specific date. If a specific date is selected, click the  Calendar icon  to select a start date and time. 

  5. Specify the time zone for the schedule. The default time zone is the time zone of the server—the time zone you entered at log-in . If you are in a different time zone, set this field accordingly. 

  6. Choose a recurrence setting. If you select  Simple or  Calendar Recurrence, additional controls appear on the page:  

    • None: run the report once. 

    • Simple: schedule the job to recur at a regular interval, specified in minutes, hours, days, or weeks. 

    • Calendar: schedule the job to recur on days of the week, days of the month, specific dates, or date ranges. 

  7. If the report you are scheduling has input controls that prompt for user input, click the  Parameters tab. Saved values, if there are any, appear in a drop-down list at the top of the page. In the  Use saved values drop-down, you can set the input controls defined for the report you're scheduling. You can set the input values for the scheduled report, and click  Save Current Values to save the input value as a named set of values. Choose a set of saved values, or set the input controls. 

  8. Click the  Output Options tab and set the output format and location 

  9. Click the  Notifications tab and set up email notifications 

  10.  Click the  Save button. The  Save As dialog box appears:

  11. In the  Scheduled Job Name field, enter a name for the job, for example, Weekly Report. The description is optional. 

  12. Click  Save to save the schedule. The job appears in the list of saved jobs for this report.