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Creating the Course Completions Table View

After completing the previous steps of the Manager View case study, you will have created a new private "Course Completions Manager Domain" copied from the "Course Completions Domain." Your new Domain will have been secured with the "coursecompletion_manager_security.xml" file, establishing a connection between the "User ID" of the viewer (the Manager) and the "Manager ID" of students. This is the necessary foundation needed to begin creating customized Manager Views, and the only part of the Zoola™ workflow that differs from standard View, Report, or Dashboard creation. 

Any View created from your "Course Completions Manager Domain" will be configured by the security settings applied in the security file. 

For the purposes of this case study, the following steps will outline the re-creation of the "Course Completions Table View." To create this view from the "Course Completions Manager Domain," complete the following steps:

  1. From the  Home page, select  Ad Hoc View  from the  View menu at the top of the page. The Select Data wizard opens. 

  2. In the Select Data wizard, select the  Course Completions Manager Domain. 

  3. Click the  Choose Data button. The  Data Chooser opens. 

  4. From the  Fields section, select the necessary fields from the  Source panel and move them to the  Selected Fields panel. 

  5. If necessary, define any Pre-Filters or Display labels.  

  6. When you are finished, click the  OK button. The Ad Hoc Editor opens. 

  7. Select  Table from the dropdown menu in the  New Ad Hoc View panel. 

  8. From the  Fields panel of the  Ad Hoc Editor, drag the following fields to the  Columns box in the  New Ad Hoc View panel: 

    1. First Name 

    2. Last Name 

    3. Position 

    4. Organization 

    5. Manager 

    6. Course Category 

    7. Course 

    8. Date Enrolled 

    9. Date Completed 

You now have the fundamental layout of the original "Course Completions Table VIew," but the data is drawn through your new "Course Completions Manager Domain." Any user who views this View (or any Report or Dashboard created from it) from their Zoola™ account will see only the data of students with a corresponding "Manager ID."


Further Steps for the Manager View

  • To carry your new "Course Completions Manager Domain" or View through the Zoola™ workflow, you can continue on to create a Report or Dashboard based on your Manager View, following the standard process used in creating Zoola™ Reports and Dashboards.  

  • The "Course Completions Manager Domain" can also be your template for creating alternative Views and configurations. To use the content of this case study to create new custom Views for Totara or Moodle, complete the following steps: 

    • To replicate the Manager View for another Domain, simply follow the case study steps with an alternate Public Domain or one of your own custom/private Domains. 

  • To create a custom View that establishes a different connection between attributes than shown in this Manager View case study, you must first establish a new logical connection between a Domain attribute and an attribute from a user profile to replace the "managerid" taken from the "Course Completions Domain" and the "userid" taken from the user profile.  To identify the necessary attributes to create a new custom View, complete the following steps: 

    • From either the Public Domains or your own custom/private Domains, you must first identify the Domain you wish to secure to create a new view. 
      If you select a Public Domain, follow the steps in Copy the Domain to a Private Folder from this case study. If you select a custom/private Domain, be sure to understand the implications of securing it for a custom View. 
      It is recommended that you make a copy of any Domain, rename it, and apply the configurations to the newly copied Domain.   

    • From your newly copied Domain, you will need to open the  Domain Designer (select the new Domain in the  Repository, right-click it, and select  Edit from the context menu). Once in the Domain Designer, you will need to identify an attribute to connect to a user profile to create the view. 

      Remember that if you select an attribute available in only certain user profiles, viewers missing that attribute will see all data, as normal.

      The following table identifies the general attributes shared by most users, separated by LMS (if you connect an attribute from this table to a Domain attribute, the view will be customized for almost all users):

      User IDUser ID
      Group IDGroup ID
      Cohort IDCohort ID
      Enrolled Course IDEnrolled Course ID
       Manager ID
       Position ID
       Organization ID


      Unlike other global profile attributes, the enrolled_courseids attribute contains courses where the user has a role other than 'student.' For example: teacher, editingteacher, manager, and assessor.

      • Once you have identified the user profile and Domain attributes to connect, follow the steps in  The XML Security File to insert them into the template. Or, for a collection of XML security templates based on user profile attributes, see the XML Security Samples page.

      • Once you have saved your new security file to your local drive, follow the steps in  Configure the Security File from this case study.



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